Wednesday 9 March 2011



The neo con forces who aim to introduce a ‘New World Order’ have had long practice in their tactics against largely innocent peoples, unversed in the strategies of covert political and operational procedures to undermine even the most peaceful pockets of resistance.

Incidentally, although I have heard some high-powered politicians utter the words: ‘New World Order,’ I have yet to hear a journalist ask those politicians for the meaning of this phrase.

To turn to violent means of defeating these forces merely plays into their hands. As I explained in the Chapter on ECHELON the Stay Behind Group, Gladio , in Italy; Gladio was not above killing two policemen at the roadside with a booby trapped car bomb and ensuring that the blame accrued to a Communists. So enabling the authorities to round up over 300 innocent Communists.

Chechens were blamed in Russia for bombings in Moscow yet when vigilante tenants of an apartment block in Ryasan found Russian secret agents unloading sugar bags, containing explosive, into their apartment block Michael Stuermer reports that the Russian authorities ‘explained’ that the Russian security services were merely testing the vigilance of the tenants (see page 37 Michael Stuermer Putin and the Rise of Russia Orion Books ISBN 9780297855095)

I have heard it said that despite all our new laws banning guns from general ownership and curtailing the carrying of knives, that a large number of people still continue to own guns. You may be sure that the farmers and sportsmen who continue to hold shot gun licences are by and large likely to support neo con principles, rather than revolutionary principles.

We have seen the provocation by Mossad and Israel against Palestinians and their democracy. Despite the fact that Hamas was elected in a fair and legal election process it is thought that Israel’s unilateral declaration that Hamas is a ‘terrorist organisation,’ invalidates that democratic process and excuses Israel’s blockade of Gaza and the West Bank.

Most Western Governments would have you believe that they are in favour of democracy and against imposed dictatorships. Unfortunately Western foreign policy has a breathtaking disregard for would be democracies, when it is so much easier ‘to do business’ with mighty dictators who are so much cheaper to buy than whole democratic processes.

‘Blair told his aides that world leaders were naturally prone to get along because they were part of a unique club. He called it a “fellowship.” … He wanted to use this fellowship to create a global order of leaders with the same ends – modernisation, reform and democracy. … To encourage these leaders, problems were, wherever possible, overlooked. For the Chinese that meant not making much of a fuss over Tibet. When it came to Putin the same applied to Chechnya.’

Page 102-103 BLAIR’S WARS – by John Kampfner, published by The Free Press in paperback 2004. – ISBN 0-7432-4830-9

It was suggested that Robin Cook was naïve to suggest that we could engage in an ‘ethical foreign policy.’ Unfortunately the art of corruption has been so readily embraced, and those at the bottom of the pile are so inured to corruption, that we can see no other means of practical existence. Whole civilisations have fallen apart when moral scruples are thought to be too expensive to adhere to.

Admittedly violence reaps results more quickly, if there is a direct line to those outside the militant body, who are the political spokesmen and who can control the violent paramilitary groups. This may have worked to a greater degree in Northern Ireland where security service infiltrators were more easily identified. Nevertheless it became clear to the security services in Northern Ireland that they had so far infiltrated many paramilitary groups that their own men were blowing each other up.

In Cuba in 1958, Batista’s forces were not above committing acts of violence against Cuban peasants and trying to blame the forces which Castro commanded. As Batista tried to prop up his corrupt regime and the infiltration of the mafia boss Lucky Luciano into Cuban society; the tactics employed by Batista in Cuba have now been adopted throughout the world. Che Guevara could have been a force for democratic good in post revolutionary Cuba, unfortunately the Bolivians, aided and abetted by the CIA, were intent on ensuring Guevara’s demise. Had Guevara lived, his superior intellectual capacity and his regard for Marti may have been instrumental in ridding Cuba of the revolutionary mind set and restoring political freedom, once order had been fully restored.

Guevara was important in focusing Castro’s mind on the importance of keeping the peasants on side. The revolutionary troops in Cuba did not have to contend with the plethora of covert surveillance and secret weaponry, which any modern day revolutionary force would meet. However by paying peasants for food taken or issuing notes of credit to those peasants it soon became clear that the revolutionary forces had every intention of treating the ordinary people with respect. Guevara’s insistence on treating all wounded equally, whether they be revolutionary or Government troops went some way to turning the Government forces into a more sympathetic cadre.

Sun Tzu, the Buddhist warrior – The Art of War said:
The captured soldiers should be kindly treated and kept.

Al Qaeda has been similarly difficult to infiltrate. Although great efforts have been made to recruit British Muslims to the security services in order to infiltrate Al Qaeda groups, so far without much success. There is a deep suspicion amongst Muslim groups that the 7/7 London bombers were duped into their actions by the Security services, intent on focussing the minds of members of the G8 meeting in Scotland.

In tribal areas it is far more difficult to bring strangers into terrorist cells. Even if the strangers have a modicum of success they will always be viewed with a wariness which compromises their effectiveness. Bringing strangers together to conduct a violent war will only allow the security services to infiltrate those groups so thoroughly that they will be dancing to the security services pipers before they have properly organised themselves.

Stories abound that one in six of the population reported to the Stasi in East Germany. You may be equally sure that here in the UK we have as much, if not more, penetration by those who have been promoted beyond their capabilities and remain loyal to an establishment which keeps them in place to perform similar duties.

This is the Achilles heel of those who work for the Security Services, albeit at arms length. These people have a pack mentality and are often only semi-literate, with no capacity for philosophical thought. They see that working in a pack accrues benefits to themselves, which they would otherwise not attain by their own merit. Being social and educational misfits promoted slightly, or even greatly, above their capabilities they are rightly aware and scared that their own shortcomings will be detected, particularly if we revert to a meritocracy.

As the great Buddhist warrior Sun Tzu wrote in The Art of War, several centuries ago:

“It is only the enlightened ruler and the wise general who will use the highest intelligence of the army for purposes of spying and thereby achieve great results.”

Our military are now ruled by a lamentable officer corps who are incapable of keeping order and happily allow the largely semi-literate Non Commissioned Officers (NCOs) to wreak havoc with troops and rule by bullying and ‘beastings,’ with an almost Mafiosi code of silence and cover up and an inability to understand that they should be subject to the rule of law.

There have been a number of cases of very questionable methods of training, the most famous being the debacle around ‘Deepcut’ and the supposed ‘suicide’ of several young soldiers, some shooting themselves fatally twice.

Yet the military repeatedly cleared themselves and despite an eventual uncovering of some worrying facts the issue has been buried and no lessons learned. The only light at the end of the tunnel is that bullying within the armed services has reached such a height that many ordinary soldiers may not be prepared to follow the orders of those who have turned a blind eye to their physical and mental abuse.

However those who are brutalised often go on to commit brutalities of their own and those retiring from the armed services are erroneously felt to have ‘management skills’ and so are infecting civvy street with abhorrent managerial techniques of bullying, which suits the neo con agenda.

That old chestnut – that ‘Military Intelligence’ is the greatest oxymoron - is increasingly gaining ground, particularly when one heard the Commander of the Royal Military Police, Finlay, on File on Four - Radio 4 on 15th March 2009. Finlay – despite hearing evidence of very questionable practices within the Royal Military Police, was quite happy to pooh pooh the idea that a malaise had infected the RMP. If the Officer class are incapable of rectifying their ‘sick’ regiments then it is unlikely that anything will be done to rectify the conditions in which those soldiers, sailors and airmen, who remain rational and humane members of society, will be able to flourish within the armed services.

Che Guevara’s insistence that most of the revolutionaries under his command were literate becomes not a mere foible, but a necessary adjunct to ensuring that any revolution does not descend into utter violence and mindless chaos.

Those who currently believe that they are part of a small elite minority who have been ‘chosen’ for their ‘special talents’ would themselves be surprised by how many misfits have been similarly recruited to do some small service for the security services.

The only way to conduct a revolution is by means of non-violent passive resistance with a loud and clear message that this is what is intended. Any outbreak of violence will be seized upon and ‘false flag’ acts of ‘terrorism,’ conducted by neo con groups, will be laid at the door of those who aim to resist.

We have seen our police forces and judiciary promote those with neo con sympathies and allegiances to secret societies at the expense of the people, some of whom still believe that the law is blind to position, power, wealth, status and allegiance to clandestine societies.

We are suffering from an establishment neo con anarchy that must not and cannot survive. If we fail to address this problem it will destroy us all.

The key to undoing this anarchy is information. Membership lists of those secret societies will do much to unravel the neo con collusion into which we have been swept.

Like every pyramid selling scheme the neo con fraud is nearing saturation point when the whole sorry pack of cards must collapse for lack of further saps to buy into the fraudulent scheme.

We need a revolution and despite the fact that our internet access is subject to the machinations of the Security Services – it should be impossible to wholly police an internet uprising as thousands download websites and re-issue them before they are removed from the net.

If the entire membership of the Freemasons were to be made available to groups prepared to indulge in some serious research, not only would both the judiciary and the police be unable to answer some very pertinent questions, but councils up and down the country would be revealed to be what they are; back scratchers intent on their own personal enrichment.

Trace the group which had the honour of Harold Shipman’s allegiance. Trace the groups which are protecting child abusers at Haute de la Garenne. Research whether there was any connection or allegiance between child molesters in North Wales and members of the subsequent enquiry into those abuses and their very flawed findings.

Since intercepts are being used against innocent people perhaps the people should demand that these digital recordings be made available under the Freedom of Information laws to trace the connections of those who are subverting our democracy.

Let us find out who belongs to the Committee of Twenty, the Bilderberg Group, Rotarians, Masons, Buffaloes, the British Lions, Royal Arch, Livery Companies, the Honourable Artillery Company or any other self selecting ‘elite’

An independent candidate during the 2005 election campaign went to a Roman Catholic Church Hall in Mill Street, Oakham, looking for a meeting room in which to meet the public. She inadvertently bounced into a room full of men wearing little leather aprons at around 7pm one evening, then hastily beat a retreat and waited for the man she heard whistling in the gents loo, across the corridor, to emerge. As she waited she heard a property auction being conducted for 2 Princes Street, no town name was given. She wondered why properties should be auctioned in a private evening meeting of a clandestine Buffaloes group, which excluded members of the general public. She said:

“Surely if you were intending to sell your property you would ensure it went to the highest bidder in an open auction. However it was not altogether surprising as some years before, in around 1992, when house hunting in Pembury, Kent, I went into an estate agents and asked why I had not received details of houses which had been repossessed, of which there appeared to be a number available in the village. I was told that ‘you have to be on a special list’ to receive details of those houses. Stories began to appear in the press of repossessed houses selling well under market value, and yet those very same houses were not being openly offered for sale by the banks. That should have alerted us then to something smelly in the world of banking – yet it has taken more than fifteen years for the stink to penetrate our nostrils so that we can no longer ignore the smell. How many more people need to lose their pensions, their homes and their livelihoods before we understand that we are in the midst of a very corrupt conspiracy which stretches a great deal further than a few wide boys wearing white socks?”

We need to defend our purest ideals against an encroaching enemy, which does not declare itself or make itself known. Our freedoms have been so far eroded that our children do not know about the Bill of Rights, Habeas Corpus or Magna Carta. The very laws which we ought to be protected by are, in the hands of a clandestine judiciary, protecting members of secret societies.

Members of these secret societies appeal to the law to defend their own freedom, whilst conspiring to uncover every facet of the lives of their prey with absolute impunity and utter secrecy. Until it is known who belongs to which society – retrospectively so that resignations cannot be effected to conceal past membership – we shall never know what acts of financial terrorism and fraud have been perpetrated on us.

The Masons themselves now say that Stephen Knight’s book – The Brotherhood – and Martin Short’s book Inside the Brotherhood - are anti-masonic tracts. Yet both are well researched and simply state the facts, Facts which were sufficiently worrying to instigate a public enquiry by a committee of Members of Parliament. However Martin Short, in a preface to his book Inside the Brotherhood states that he was the only witness to be called to give evidence against the Masons, despite the fact that many submitted extensive notes and legal papers.

The British public now understands the empty futility of ‘Boards of Enquiry.’ There is no trust left. Those who hold public office have so far abused their position that the great British public is weary beyond measure with tales of taking cash for questions, cash for altering legislation, abuses of power, cash for peerages, overpayment for State or Council contracts and the subsequent enquiries which exonerate the perpetrators have so little credibility that many merely shrug in despair.

However the credit crunch will hit people where it hurts most, in their pockets, and when the revolution finally happens we must all hope that we do not allow those who drive it to do so at the point of a gun. Revolutions achieved through the gun barrel carry with them the problem that they continue to be sustained through the gun barrel too.

Politicians will continue to declare, in the face of the most incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, that they are honourable men and women. The British public is wiser than that and if we are not to slip into financial slavery, and similarly imprison our children, we must over turn the neo con conspiracy which has wrought so much havoc in all our lives, and strive for a more equal society where the almighty dollar is subservient to more noble ends and ideals. There is no such thing as ‘The Big Society’ when those who are meant to achieve it line their own pockets at our expense.

Governments all over the world have baled out banks in order to ensure this revolution does not happen. The banks, their employees and directors have continued to pay themselves obscene bonuses from tax payers pockets, whilst ensuring that the money goes to prop up neo con interests at the expense and bankruptcy of perfectly viable businesses who have had their lines of credit withdrawn.

Pension funds have been systematically raided over decades by asset strippers who take over companies in order to get their hands on the lucrative pension funds.

This is not a catalogue of one off unfortunate aberrations; this is evidence of a systematic fraud being perpetrated on an army of innocents by a conspiracy intent on enriching themselves and their clandestine fraternities and sororities.

When two men were jailed for revealing the contents of a telephone call between George Bush and Tony Blair, in which George Bush purportedly mooted the idea of bombing the offices of Al Jazeera in Qatar, no one took to the streets to defend Keogh and O’Connor:

Peter McKay wrote in his column in The Daily Mail on Monday 14th May 2007, of the imprisoning of these two, under the headline:

‘GO TO JAIL FOR TELLING THE TRUTH – Civil Servant David Keogh is jailed for six months for trying to leak the transcript of a conversation between President George W Bush and Tony Blair.

This disclosed, inter alia, that Bush was all for bombing the TV station Al-Jazeera because its coverage of the Iraq war was considered unhelpful and unsympathetic.

The judge involved said Keogh’s actions ‘put lives at risk’. I am not clear how he came to this conclusion, but surely a larger principal was at stake. We’d all like to know what Bush and Blair said to each other about Iraq. We have a right to know, I’d have thought.

They took us there on the basis of bloody lies. Any document that sheds light on their thinking is surely in the public interest.

Poor Keogh’s life is destroyed, so is that of his collaborator, political researcher Leo O’Connor, who got three months.

How will the Government reward the MP, Anthony Clarke, who turned them in rather than use the information they offered? A peerage perhaps?

Had Keogh been a US civil servant who’d given the document to a newspaper, it’s unlikely he would have gone to jail. He would have been deemed a hero ‘whistleblower’ and the paper concerned might have won a Pulitzer Prize.’

We’re the greatest country in the world, says Tony Blair. Great for him and his ilk, certainly.

McKay is no ultra left wing journalist and The Daily Mail is about as right wing as the mainstream British media gets. What McKay does not say is that Blair probably could not and would not talk to Bush on even a high security telephone in any real depth. Blair might have said that we had moles burrowing their way into Al Jazeera as they spoke.

Shortly after this alleged conversation it was announced that Sir David Frost, a pillar of the British establishment, had taken on the role of a presenter for the English speaking arm of Al Jazeera. Such a high profile bombing on, US and UK friendly, Qatar would have unleashed an almighty backlash and slaughtered some highly prized security assets in the process. This conversation, perhaps more than any other, finally proved to me the stupidity Blair was handicapped with when talking to the most powerful leader of the Western world, whose intellect failed to rise above a retarded pre-teen schoolboy, denied his iPod in class.

Nevertheless George W was in the club, despite his crippling stupidity and neo con brutality. Ways had to be found for diverting him from this course of action. Which it seems Blair managed to accomplish. Why two elected leaders, accountable to the public at the ballot box and through their elected Governments, were able to cite the Official Secrets Act to protect amoral strategic planning, should raise questions about the independence of our press and our judiciary. Yet even the Hutton enquiry spectacularly failed to do that and there was hardly of a murmur of dissent.

As with any club, if the members feel they are part of a chosen few, plucked from obscurity to keep obscure secrets, loyalty to the club will take precedence over any other allegiance. Failure to play by the rules of the club will result in financial ruin, a washed up career and possibly imprisonment, as Keogh and O’Connor will no doubt discover in the fullness of time. The cold winds of exclusion from the club, will serve as a reminder to those tempted into any moral or ethical impetus to betray a diseased State.

You may have wondered why the Government in the UK is so reluctant to allow evidence of phone taps in court. This has nothing to do with civil liberties. The civil liberties question does not arise.

No one is immune from having the last ten years of their telephone conversations trawled through. But, if it became generally known that this sort of evidence could be made available, it would not be possible to close Pandora’s box against those fighting to reinstate democratic power. If leading politicians and movers and shakers, who belong to these right wing neo con conspiracies – and I include those within all three major Parties Labour, Conservative and Liberal parties - had their telephone calls open to public scrutiny, there would be no end to the fall out in political terms.

As Che Guevara outlined in his book on Guerrilla warfare, it is necessary to use the enemy’s weaponry in order to defeat that enemy. Once we have sufficient control of the democratic process we may begin to uncover the excesses perpetrated in our name by our out of control Security Service personnel.

Guevara also felt that love was the first virtue necessary to be a successful revolutionary. Only that love for one another, a pure, noble and selfless love, will ensure that our new society remains connected and functions within a moral framework. As John Donne so eloquently said: ‘No man is an island entire to itself.’

‘The price of freedom is eternal vigilance’

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