Monday 21 February 2011

WWII - 60 years on - 2005

Why are they marching mother,
these men in uniforms, why bother?
They died for you and me my dear,
they died for you and me;
they died so we could be free my dear
they died so you could be free.
Free to live in a country
with real liberty.

Why do they put men in prison mother
under the Anti-terrorism Act?
Why deny them access mother
to the reasons for this fact?
We die my son from lack of liberty,
terrorised by political men
marching with impunity,
to deny our hard fought rights.

So they died in vain did they mother,
these men so long ago?
They died for a cause which vied mother
in a battle for political supremacy?
They died so we might be free son,
they died for you and me.
Their wasted lives a shame son,
mere fantasy, a pyrrhic victory

What happened to Ronnie Maddison mother
and the soldiers at Deepcut?
Maddison was stationed at Porton Down,
His genes biological platicene.
No one knows or cares son,
what happened at Deepcut.
Young lives just a number son
to whom anything could be done.

We’re enslaved to the State now son
a State both rotten and bad,
a State which perpetrates crime in our name.
A State which lies and spins son
to justify its criminality.
Don’t join up as a soldier son,
don’t waste your life in vain.
Son there’s nothing to gain.

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